Friday, September 5, 2008

Sleepovers, Chicken Feathers, and the Dang Circus

T.J. is off in Maryland for Pop's party today (Sunday). Poor guy was so preoccupied that he forgot his suitcase at home when he left for work. Luckily, I was going to go chocolate shopping and deliver it to the office before he left, and I just brought along the suitcase with me. And as long as I was at his office (which is just 5 minutes from the airport), I thought I'd make a quick stop at the airport for Starbucks. It was so delicious -- I made it last for 5 hours. It was worth the 2.50 euros in parking!

Jack and Amelia continue to do very well at school. Jack doesn't even say goodbye -- he just goes running in to find the dog. He did protest Friday morning, saying he didn't want to go to school. When I reminded him that he was going to Amelia's school, he quickly changed his mind. And Amelia continues to be a good mother, asking Lidia (her teacher and the head of the school) if she can go and check on Jack on occasion. It's great to see them both doing so well. They all seem to be having such fun. And when I pick Jack up at noon, both classes are out on the playground and the kids are playing together.

The only problem has been picking up Jack at noon when Amelia stays until 3. Amelia has tried to make a break for it a few times and hasn't wanted to stay. But luckily, she is easily distracted and goes back willingly to play.

Much to my dismay, we were walking to our car in front of the house on Friday, and the kids started shrieking -- there was a circus sign directly in front of our house! The whole way to school, the kids chanted "The circus is coming." Guess we're going to go to the circus next weekend.

Amelia starts soccer next weekend. So we've been stocking up on shoes, socks, shorts, shinpads and a ball. I don't know how excited she is, but she's a little more relieved to find that Marcus will also be in the same organization to play. Luckily, the sports store in Stockel has had some cheap gear (I think it was 30 euros for all the stuff), so we won't be out too much if she hates it.

The sleepover is still going on. Elena came over yesterday and the kids had fun on the terrace looking for rolypolys and snails. Jack tried to corral them in a hula hoop but couldn't figure out why one kept escaping. The girls were originally going to sleep in their sleeping bags on Amelia's floor, but then opted to sleep in the guest bed together (they had designs that I would join them, but I quickly squashed that). They stayed up far to late, dressing up and giggling. I was eventually able to stop the giggling around 10 (thankfully, since I went to bed not long after). I promised pancakes this morning and am trying to drink lots of coffee to wake up.

I know I've mentioned my dismay at finding chicken poop on eggs. I was going to make chicken wings the other day after finally finding them at the store. But then I had to spend a bit of time removing the last few tiny feathers that hadn't gotten off. It was pretty disgusting. I mean, we all know what a chicken is -- or what it was -- so I shouldn't be horrified. But I still was.

I was, however, very happy to find corn in the store lately. Not bins and bins as in the U.S., but a handful of prepackaged, partially shucked corn. I just don't understand why fresh corn is so hard to find. Or Egg Beaters, or light ANYTHING. I still fail to understand how the Belgians are so thin. I realize that they do a lot of walking and biking, but STILL.

Happy weekend, everyone. I've almost made it through my solo weekend. Just let the sun shine today so that we can spend some time outside!! (We miss you, honey!)

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