Monday, September 8, 2008

Jack is NOT a violin player....

We were over at Tammy's house Friday night, and there was a terrible screeching noise coming from Jack and Jaqueline -- obviously playing the violin. I go to the back room to see Jack trying to roughly play Tammy's violin. That's when I see Jaqueline's violin on the ground, broken in 2, parts strewn about. Each blamed the other, then started saying it broke all by itself. Sigh.

On Sunday, we headed with the Harrisons to see Wall-E. 90 euros later, we're in the theater, munching down on candy, nachos and popcorn. The kids enjoyed the movie well enough, and it was a nice change of scenery for me.

But on the way home, we were sitting on the bench, waiting for the metro. Jack said, "Mommy, am I wearing big boy pants?" That's when it dawns on me that I had put real underwear on him that morning, since we weren't planning on going anywhere, and I had forgotten to put a diaper on. I look at his feet, watching a large pool forming and flowing down towards Jaqueline, Tammy and a poor other metro-goer. I quickly try to wipe up the mess with Jack's fleece-lined raincoat (what else could I do??). Luckily, Tammy had a diaper in her purse, as well as an extra pair of socks. She took Jaqueline's leggings off under her dress and gave them to Jack. He looked quite the sight. But, he was dry and happy. I felt terrible.

Drop-off at school continues to be rough. Amelia couldn't stop crying this morning as we were getting ready, begging that I let her either stay home from school or not go all day. The problem, I think, stems from me picking up Jack at noon, and she must think we're doing something exciting at home -- not just having lunch and going down for naps. She was just a mess this morning, but Lidia is wonderful with her and just whisked her away. Jack didn't look back, again, and went straight for Baba the dog.

Also much to my dismay, I found out that the circus will be held in Ste. Alix, just two blocks away. Guess we're going to the circus. I just hope they're able to keep the tigers caged...

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