Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jack Makes a Funny

At 6:30 a.m., jackhammering starts next door, promptly waking up Jack. We come downstairs and start our day. The noise starts again, and Jack asks "Mommy, what is that noise?" I told him that it was a jackhammer. He thinks about this for a minute. Then he shakes his head and says "No, mommy. That's not my hammer."

Amelia started soccer this past Saturday, and T.J. took her and Jack to participate (but Jack just to watch). Apparently it was a rough start, with Amelia preferring to play with Jack rather than join in the game. But after juice time, Amelia was more willing to play. I'm hoping that each week will be better...

And the circus was another adventure. It's a family-run affair (read: the wife runs the concession stand and also does the dog act and the dove act) and the 3 kids also participate as jugglers/clowns. Then there's always the token imported talent (formerly the guy who looked like Bernie from "weekend at bernie's"). This time it was a smiling yoga guy who did flexibility stuff, then ate fire and walked on glass, and then swung from a "trapeeze." Oh, and he carried around a boa constrictor, too. And then there was also some goose coralling....

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