Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to School!

We started off last Friday by attending a "Welcome Morning" at school. The children and I all went together Friday morning for 2 hours. Amelia was up at the crack of dawn, got dressed immediately and spent all morning asking "Is it time? Is it time?"

We had a good morning, although Jack preferred to spend time in Amelia's classroom. We were also able to change Jack's transition schedule (He was supposed to transition on Thursday and Friday of this week, and then start on Monday, but they were able to change him at the last minute to transitioning the first two days of school instead, and then he started today.)

Come Monday (Amelia was going solo, and Jack would come from 3:30-4:15), Amelia's enthusiasm was markedly diminished. She didn't want to get out of bed, didn't mention school, and when it was time to go, she complained of a stomachache and declared she wanted to stay home. I figured (hoped) it was first-day jitters, and we continued getting ready. We drove to school, and she complained a lot of the way. I assured her that I would take her home if she were REALLY sick and her teachers would let me know if there were a problem.

We get to the door of school, and she burst into tears. I felt so bad. But her teachers brought her in, and I went on my way, albeit sadly. Luckily, she's had her same teachers for almost 2 years, so she's comfortable with them.

When we got back that afternoon, she was perfectly fine, and we haven't had any problems since.

Jack did very well with his transition, and he went today for his first real day. I was expecting tears, but when we got to the door, Baba (the dog of one of the teachers, who lives on the top floor of the school -- the school is a renovated single-family home) was there. Jack went to Baba and never turned around!

I came to pick them both up at noon, and they were playing on the playground together. Jack said he had a great day and wants to go back. What a relief!

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