Monday, May 18, 2009

The Last Goodbyes

Learning how to make baskets at the celebration in Stockel for the 100th anniversary of the tram.

Petting a (formerly) real fox outside a butcher's in Stockel.

The proud princess displaying her cupcakes to take to school as a going-away treat.

He should be proud -- he decorated all the cupcakes himself!

Our humble Belgian abode.

The movers are here, frantically packing away. So far, they won't pack batteries, and it doesn't look like they're packing food. (Poor Tammy is going to overwhelmed with all by bits of food that they won't pack. I can't throw it away, but I doubt she's going to want all of this!!)

It's overwhelming, a little. I'm trying to stay out of the way, watching TV. They're packing the kitchen, so I can't get a snack or a drink. Things, so far, are going smoothly. They're packing quickly (oooh, and listening to a little vintage Paul Young on the radio!).

Amelia chose Saturday night to have another bout of middle-of-the-night croup. It was a pretty bad case, with some stridor on her inhalations. But after a sit outside (in the rain) for the cool air, then a transfer to the bathroom for inhaling steam, she begged to go back to bed. It did break my heart, however, when she asked me if she was going to die. I think it worried her that we were causing such a fuss and dragging her all over the house, rather than just giving her any medicines. But she recovered enough on Sunday to make one last trip to the Stockel carnival.

The kids have three more days of school, and tonight (Monday night) is our last night in the house. It seems a little surreal.

We're all excited to come back, but we will miss Brussels. But on to bigger and better things (and things that are open 24 hours!).

More to come!

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