Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Brussels Update?

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Things went amazingly well at the exit survey. We were told to expect charges of 5 euro per nail hole, plus other assorted charges. To our great relief (and surprise), we didn't get charged ANYTHING. Not even for the speckled laundry room walls as a result of some sparkling wine exploding all over everything and leaving spots. The inspector didn't even go outside, so he didn't see where I had agonizingly scrubbed rust spots with something akin to hair perm solution. (And, luckily, he also missed all the spots I also missed!) I was truly surprised, given the horror stories I had heard about others' inspections.
So now, we are officially homeless.
The kids and I spent the day doing a little last shopping (Hello Kitty dress for Miss A, tiger tank top for Jack, no dresses for me), enjoying ice cream, and getting a big bucket of wonderful strawberries. We had one last dinner at Fat Boys, a sports bar by the EU that is run by a former Exxon guy, and where no one even tries to speak French. Great bar food, and a truly fantastic hamburger that rivaled those in the U.S.
So we pack up tomorrow, go to the birthday party, and head home Sunday morning. Yippee!
I've tried to add some pictures of the move. Not sure how, or if they'll come through. I'm sending these updates via e-mail (as we're charged 0.60 euro per online minute!!). If they don't come through, I'll just wait until the US to resend.

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