Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Days in Brussels

The move went (mostly) smoothly. We overflowed our 40-foot container (how embarassing! so much stuff!), so I'm not sure what they'll do with the excess. It was pretty remarkable that we filled the container, especially given that they completely took apart anything that could be taken apart. Toys, furniture, you name it.
I'll post pictures from the move, including the lift, later, once I find my cords to connect the camera to the computer. It's in the hotel somewhere...
So yesterday was cleaning the house -- T.J., Lila (our cleaning lady) and me. Lila was in tears at the beginning and end, and it was sad for me, too. She is such a sweet person and a glorious help -- I wish we could find someone like her in the U.S.
So the house is clean, but today at 5 is the real test: is it clean enough for the exit survey? I can't tell how well (or not) it's going to go. Keep your fingers crossed!
I took the kids to our favorite waffle/crepe place downtown today (since our hotel is just a block from it). Our favorite waiter was there, and I wondered if he would remember us. T.J. and I came there almost every day when we did our househunting trip, and we've been there several times since. Indeed, he did remember us. It was nice -- I've been surprised at how many vendors/servers we've come to know almost by name or at least have become familiar with.
Today is a free day, until our inspection at 5. Then tomorrow is our last day in Brussels. The kids are going to Jacqueline's birthday party in the afternoon. Then Sunday morning, we fly home

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