Sunday, February 15, 2009

Amelia and the Wii, and Other Things

Amelia went for a 10-minute run this weekend with Wii Fit. She made it the whole time, too, even though we told her to rest! She really enjoyed it. She loves playing Littlest Pet Shop and Barbie Horse Camp, and both kids love playing miniature golf. We got a bass fishing game too, but we haven't been able to quite figure that one out yet. Only the kids have hooked fish so far, and even then, we haven't been able to reel any in. Amelia has been trying to hula-hoop, too, but she doesn't seem to weigh enough for the balance board to recognize her, poor thing.

Amelia got to talk to her best friend today, who moved over Christmas back to the U.S. It was sweet to see her so excited and asking a lot of grown-up-type questions. We're hoping to be able to arrange a trip for the girls to visit this summer.

I've been battling a sinus infection. Our doctor gave me a "concoction" of oils -- thyme, pine, eucalyptus, menthol, etc. -- to add to boiling water to inhale. It smells wonderful, but leaves a terrible residue on bowls. Nearly impossible to get off. I had to toss the plastic spoon I had used for measuring it. Effective, but gross. We picked up the prescription for this at the pharmacy that has taken over the Harrison's old townhouse. It was strange to be standing in their dining room, getting drugs. The pharmacist was nice enough to take Amelia for a "tour" of the renovated digs. She was quite puzzled, but very fascinated.

Jack has been doing very well with his two full days of school. So well, in fact, that he keeps asking me and his teachers if he can stay for lunch every day. So ... in March, he will go 4 full days. It will be a little sad for him to be doing such a big-boy thing, but it will also be a help, as official word went out today about T.J.'s new job, so there will be much chaos around here as I try to organize. I could just have the packers take everything, and then sort it out on the other end, but it would be nice to have things purged -- or at least organized -- so the move on the other end will be smoother.

Tonight, Jack belted out a pretty good try at "Frere Jacques." You can tell they learn the song by listening, because the only words that were right were "ding, dong, dong." It was a valiant attempt, and it was clear what he was trying to sing. It's cute, because now when we play hide and seek, he counts to 10 in French.

Today is the last day of school before the Carnivale holidays next week. The kids got to dress up in costumes, and I've included a picture below. Amelia just couldn't decide which dress-up dress to wear -- she must've tried on 5 dresses before she finally settled on this one.

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