Friday, June 20, 2008

Sibling Rivalry at its Finest

We were driving to school yesterday, and Amelia and Jack started fighting. Amelia used her classic retort 'You're not invited to my birthday party" (I guess it's inconsequential that now her party is actually OVER). Jack got pouty, then Amelia went in for the kill. "I'm going to have a DINOSAUR birthday cake, and you can't have ANY." Jack contemplated this for a minute, and then spit back, "I'm going to have a PRINCESS cake, and you can't have ANY." This reduced Amelia to begging for part of his princess cake, Jack relented, and the fight was over.

You gotta admit, he's a smart cookie for nearly 3!

Amelia's Latest Question (Questionable Language Involved)
We were snuggling at bedtime the other night, when Amelia lovingly looked into my eyes and said, "Mama, what's an 'ass' "? So I explained what it was a bad word for "bottom," and where did she hear it? She told me that her friend Katherine (age 6) said that her sister Jacqueline (age 3) is "a pain in the ass." It took everything for me not to burst out laughing (I did do a little snickering), and we had a long talk about how it's not a polite word to use, and she can talk about it with me, but that I didn't want her using it with other people. She seemed fascinated, because she kept saying the word over and over. We've had this conversation for 3 nights running, now.

Jack -- Fashion Victim
And yesterday, I dropped the kids off at Tammy's house while I went to get my physical bloodwork results from the doctor. I come back and I hear Jack beckoning me from the top of the stairs "Mama, come yook at me!" I go up the stairs, and his whole foot has been painted red (clearly a pedicure gone awry). Red polish is smeared up his legs, is all over his hands, and has been smeared across his face. Amelia and Katherine, looking not contrite at all, did confess to "painting" Jack. Luckily, we got most of it off, but his toes still look pretty messy. I think Jack actually enjoyed the attention of playing with the "big girls." I'm sorry that I didn't get a picture of it!

Summer Vacation
Amelia's last day of school is today (Jack still has 3 more days of creche next week). I can't believe it's summer! She'll have a little picnic today with all her friends and the parents, and then we'll go directly to the airport for a weekend in Vienna. T.J. is going to the European Football championships (or some game as part of it), then we'll spend the weekend with some friends who are coming down from Prague. We're going to do a Danube river cruise and visit Bratislava, which should be interesting.

OK, time to start the day. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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