Thursday, June 19, 2008

Amelia's 5th Birthday Party

I know I still haven't finished the cruise blog, but I'd better not get too far behind on the daily things....

Amelia had her 5th birthday party yesterday, with 18 (!!) of her school friends (I REALLY expected -- counted on? -- more responding "no"). We held it at our swim club and they had a great time. They did face painting and disco, and had a wonderfully delicious cake. It was like trying to herd cats, though, and they all kept trying to escape. But the nice thing about having it at the club was that there was staff "hosting" the party, so I could enjoy coffee with the moms who opted to stay.

This was Amelia's first party, and she was amazed at receiving all the presents. (I know that the object of a birthday party isn't to receive a lot of presents, but it was priceless to see her face.) We had been working hard on the proper response to receiving a gift (Amelia, what do you say if someone gives you underwear for your birthday? "Thank you very much for giving me underwear.") She quickly got tired of the lesson, and upon one of my hypotheticals, she said, giving me "the look" -- "Mom, here's the thing. No one is giving me a rock for my birthday."

She receiving some wonderful gifts (the Belgians seem to be much more into giving "educational" gifts, like puzzles and crafts, rather than toys, which is great by me). She's fantastic at puzzles and is doing 104 piece puzzles with no problem.

Jack had a good time as well, and I'm afraid he's expecting a big party for his birthday now, too. He came down with a fever in the middle of the night on Tuesday night, and I kept him home from the creche, but Paracetamol kept it down and it disappeared in time for the party (of course, it reappeared in the middle of the night last night).

Somehow, Amelia managed to fall out of bed last night. Mind you, we have 2 guard rails on her bed. She somehow pushed one rail COMPLETELY out from under the matress, and also moved the matress a good 8 inches off the frame. I really have to admire her strength!! She was uninjured and went right back to sleep.

T.J. tried to take the droprail off of Jack's crib so he could have a "big boy bed" but Jack wanted no part of it. Which is fine by me. He shows no inclination to climb out of his crib, so we'll continue to keep him in it. We seem to be making fine progress in the potty training department, and I guess when he's done with creche (his last week is next week), we'll do some intensive training.

He's become interested in writing letters, and he's mastered O, and yesterday, he did Q. Perhaps the proportion of the tail is a bit off, but it was a great effort, and he was quite proud.

Still to come is the rest of the cruise blog, and perhaps a censored version of my overnight trip to Spa, Belgium with one of my friends. :)

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