Thursday, November 27, 2008

Let it Snow! (Even though it's all gone now)

Playing in the first snowfall of the year.

Misunderstanding the concept of Christmas stockings...

On T.J.'s birthdays, the kids insisted that face painting be part of his celebration. This is supposed to be a monster, or something. I need a face painting instruction book, clearly.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bye-Bye Baba, We Hate (Love?) to See You Go

While T.J. was in the United States this past week, I decided to take on the uneviable task of weaning Jack from the baba (pacifier). We started one morning on the car ride to school, talking about being a big boy and not using the pacifier anymore, and if he gave it up I'd get him a big fire truck. He seemed to agree, so I went to Carrefour to buy a big fire truck. Then I went home and I hid all the pacifiers. He went completely berserk and hysterical, and I decided that maybe cold turkey wasn't the right way to go.

But I kept the pacifiers hidden, except for 1. And at bedtime, I ask Jack if he wants to give his pacifier to the Baba Fairy, who will leave him a big firetruck in exchange for his pacifier. Very slowly, and slightly unwillingly, he deposited his pacifier just outside his door. He then spent the next 5 minutes staring longingly at the pacifier, saying "I will miss my baba." but he went to bed without tears, and I gave myself a premature high-five for my success.

He woke up the next morning, thrilled by his new fire truck. But by naptime, he was hysterical, begging for me to call the Baba Fairy to have her return his babas.

Interestingly, once he gave up the babas, he no longer wanted any of his socks (which I thought was kinda sad -- the socks addiction was strange but endearing). We spent the next 3 days without the pacifier, alternating between hysterics and pleading and calm resignation. So we're 6 days into it, and although he's asked for it, it wasn't even begging -- just a question. We even met the Harrisons for lunch and he wasn't bothered by Jacqueline walking around with her pacifier.

It was quite an accomplishment -- for him and me. Now, we just have to finish potty training and we'll be set!

We're having a nice snowstorm today -- it's not really sticking, but it's big flakes and the kids are enamored by it. Amelia sat on the radiator yesterday, making up songs about Christmas and snow. They're both so excited about Christmas. We put up the tree yesterday, since St. Nick arrives on Dec. 6 and we'll be leaving for the US so early. We wanted to be able to enjoy the decorations for a while. We had a prestrung tree, but most of the lights were burned out (and we hadn't had any success trying to get the lights working again in the US, and you can't use US lights in Belgium), so I spent yesterday with wire cutters, removing the prestrung lights. A lot more work than you might think, and I have a whole new appreciation for how many lights were actually on that tree.

Amelia's school had a Christmas market yesterday, and we had our family photos taken. Jack even smiled, without the comfort of a pacifier.

We're looking forward to being home for the holidays!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Guy Fawkes Day Not a Hit

First, let me start by saying how much we all are going to miss Aunt Sandy. She passed away on Saturday after a valiant battle. T.J. and I were sad beyond words to be so far away from family at this time, but know that she was surrounded by immeasurable love and support. Her strength and attitude were an inspiration, and all of us are the better for her being in our lives.

T. J. left yesterday morning to be with family, and the children and I, regrettably, stayed behind. I thought it would be fun to take them to a fireworks show at the British School (unbeknownst to me it was actually a celebration of Guy Fawkes day). We enjoyed some hot dogs, hamburgers (yuck) and fudge (yum) in anticipation of the fireworks.

(If you remember my earlier blog about the fireworks display in St. Louis for the 4th of July, I bet you can see where I'm going with this...)

The fireworks start, and immediately the hysterics begin. Amelia completely lost it, and we had to beat a hasty retreat. Jack started to get a little upset, too, but I think it was only because Amelia was upset. We went to the car, and Jack declared "I love fireworks."

Daddy and Lemonade
No, that's not a comment on T. J. The kids, a few weeks ago, decided they really needed/deserved/wanted a pet. And thus we ended up with 2 goldfish. One relatively normal looking fish, whom Amelia named Fruit Punch, then Strawberry, then Lemonade. Then another crazy bug-eyed fish that jack named Daddy. The kids are barely interested in them long enough to feed them now, but I didn't expect any less. I'm actually surprised they're still alive...

Everything Else
The kids are enjoying tennis lessons and have been taking an "Aqua Fun" class on Fridays. Amelia still doesn't enjoy soccer but is hoping to try ballet instead.

She had another sleepover with her friend Elena on friday. Elena and her family will be moving back to the US in December, and the two girls are as thick as thieves. Amelia is going to be crushed when Elena moves. She came running to me the other day, excitedly saying "Mommy, Elena is moving to America. We live in America too, right?" When I answered yes, she started jumping up and down, excited at the prospect of future sleepovers. So we had to have a little geography lesson.

Last year, Andy gave Jack a rescue vehicle, and it came with a fire/rescue DVD. I brought out the DVD for the first time about a month ago, and it's been an unbelievable hit. He watches it several times a day, and now, he insists on me disconnecting my vacuum cleaner hose so he can hold it like a hose and make "whoooooosh" sounds. It is so funny.

More later. Looking forward to the holidays!!