Thursday, August 14, 2008

Out of Jack's Mouth...

We were driving along today, and Jack yells, "Mommy, you're going too fast!" (Which I, of course, wasn't." Then he says, "Mommy, I'll miss you while you're in jail." (The kids have been quite interested in the concept of jail since T.J. had his car broken into.)

Jack also made several middle-of-the-night trips to our room last night, asking if he could sleep with us. (I think 2 weeks of sharing a bed with Amelia is leaving him lonely at night here at home.) The second time he came in, he slipped and banged his head against something, leaving a little bruise on his head, poor guy.

A Belgian Complaint (or Two)
I was on a mission to fill a prescription for T.J. today, which I thought would be easy. I went to THREE pharmacies, and none had the medication (and I wasn't trying to fill anything funky, either!). Quite frustrating, especially since we're leaving for vacation today, and he needed it for our trip.

But on the plus side, if they don't have the medication, they simply order it, and it's available just a few hours later. So we'll have to go back.

And it's August, which means holidays en masse for shops. In Ste. Alix, a good percentage of shops (bakeries, butchers, etc.) are closed for 2 weeks for the summer holidays. It makes "running out for just one thing" exponentially more difficult. I guess it's not such a big deal when you grow up with these kinds of closures, but when you come from the land where Walgreens is open on Christmas, it takes some getting used to.

More soon...

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