Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Cappuccino Revolution in Belgium!

Walking to the post office tonight, I noticed that a neighborhood bakery now offers coffee, cappuccino and hot chocolate to go. I can't help but think the impending opening of Starbucks has had some effect on this. I could be wrong. Heck, I don't care. I've got all the takeaway coffee I need, now.

Just a few bullet points of note lately...

  • Jack is getting ready to exit the twos, and his last few weeks have exemplified the "terrible twos." I don't know where this behavior is coming from, but I hope I don't have another year of it coming. He is completely out of hand, exacerbated a millionfold when tired. Overall, he is still a sweet, charming boy, but when his flip is switched, he throws, hits and calls us "bad."
  • I signed the kids up for tennis lessons beginning in October, and lasting 20 weeks. They'll be in the same class, which I think will be a hoot.
  • Price check. Big mac menu meal (inc. fries and diet coke), cheeseburger, 4-piece nuggets, small fries, 3 hot fudge sundaes. 19 euros (roughly 27 bucks). Is it just me, or is that really exorbitant? And at the bakery, a single donut is 2 euros (3 bucks!). ONE DONUT. Thankfully, Ikea sells them 4 for 2 euros.
  • I finally changed the bed linens from the winter polarfleece to the summer cotton. Mostly because it's August, and it seemed like I should. Bad move. Chilly nights, and I'm missing the warmth. This has NOT been a warm summer. I don't think it's been much past 70 since we've been here.
  • It's going to be a Spiderman-themed party for Jack this weekend. Of course, he has no idea what Spiderman DOES, but he is clearly genetically programmed to like him. Much to TJ's relief, I was able to take Jack's purple Ariel sock and replace it with a Spiderman sock, and Jack hasn't missed Ariel...too much. It's hard enough to explain the sock -- harder still to explain Ariel.
  • I decided to try some yoga classes at the gym. Forgetting, of course, that they would be conducted in French. It's not quite as relaxing when you have to keep one eye open to see what the teacher (or what everyone else) is doing. On the plus side, I'm learning the parts of the body. I came away from the first class not so relaxed (but, very sore the next day) and I'm going to try it again today. I'm just not as flexible as I used to be, and I'm certainly feeling it.

    You'd think that after 1 1/2 years, I'd be more cognizant of the language stuff. But sometimes, I just totally forget that things are French (or Flemish). Someday I'll get it!

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