Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th Celebration

The kids had a blast yesterday for the 4th. We went up to the Spencers' house (parents' neighbors down the street) for dinner and fireworks (Mr. Spencer put on quite the display -- it was very impressive!). Mia and Jack were the only kids, but they had a great time. There were some people playing washers, and they let Amelia and Jack play. Jack loved playing with "the boys" (as he kept calling them). They were very social with everyone.
When everyone went to go eat, Jack kept walking around saying "Where are the boys? I want to play with the boys!" The guys were very patient with him and indulged them in playing. When it got a little dark, the kids and I caught fireflies (mostly named Ellie and Bobby, of course) and they were quite distraught when they caught PG letting all 7 of them go. I promised that I would catch more tonight. Then Mr. Spencer started shooting real fireworks. The kids got terrified, so we went in the house and watched from inside. Jack was just sure everyone would get burned. I think Amelia was mostly scared of the noise. While inside, Amelia declared that we needed to sing Happy Birthday to America (since I'd been talking all day about how it was America's birthday). So she went outside and asked the Spencers if we could sing. And everyone did. It was really cute. We got home around 9:15, and the kids were still a little jittery about the fireworks, poor things.
And even though the kids were up until 9:30, Jack still got up at 5 ....

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