Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jerry's Visit and The Normandy Coast

We just finished up a really nice visit with Jerry (T.J.'s mom) who came out to see us for a week. Alas, she was treated to true Belgian weather (mostly cloudy, rain, and intermittent peaks of sun, combined with unusually cool temps -- in the 60s) and uncooperative kids' health (just fevers, and it's our first illness since school let out! Hooray!) Amelia came down with a fever the morning of Jerry's arrival, and it lasted about 36 hours, poor thing.

We took a driving trip to Deauville, France, on the Normandy coast, which is about 5 hours from here. Apparently they hold an American Film Festival here every year (which surprised me, given all the U.S. bad-mouthing the French reportedly dish out) and it's where a lot of Parisians come when they go "to the shore."

On the way, we stopped in Rouen, where we tried to find the spot where Joan of Arc was burned. We didn't quite make it (my French failed me with "burned at the stake"), but it was a lovely town anyway.

We got to the hotel a little past bedtime for the kids, and we set up a makeshift bed for Amelia on the floor. I asked Reception for a crib for Jack, and what he brought me was, I swear, a laundry cart. You be the judge.

On the one hand, it gave him plenty of room (more than a normal Pack-n-Play), but on the other hand, it was a LAUNDRY CART! And yes, we saw plenty of Pack-n-Plays in the hotel later on in the weekend, so I know they had them. But anyway, Jack slept pretty well!

We woke up our first day to lots of clouds and the threat of rain, but we decided to try to find the beach anyway, just to check it out and to play in the sand (not to actually swim or sun). We made it to the beach, and the kids had a great time playing in the sand, even when it started to rain. After a brief playtime, we headed back to the car, but not before first stopping at one of the kazillion kids' rides that are littered throughout Europe.

That afternoon, We drove to Omaha Beach. I was dropped off in Bayeux to see a 70-meter tapestry from the 1070s that depicted William the Conqueror's and the 1066 invasion. Quite impressive. They also have a beautiful cathedral from the 1070s as well. There was a big street market going on, selling mostly junk, but it was lots of fun to look at.

After spending some time at Omaha Beach, the rest of the crew met me in Bayeux, and while Jerry and TJ went to see the tapestry, I watched the kids spin round and round on a 1900 wooden merry-go-round. Which is also when Jack came down with the 36-hour fever. Jerry and Amelia had a slumber party that night, while T.J. and I fought for space in the bed with a feverish Jack.

Our second day in Deauville saw brighter weather, so we went back to the beach, rented an umbrella and chairs, and let the kids play. When the sun was out, it was quite pleasant, though a little windy. There was a nice boardwalk, which had the names of all the famous US movie stars who had been there. It was a VERY wide beach, and the kids had a great time. In the afternoon, we took them swimming at the pool, which wasn't so much fun. It was breezy and cool (remember, it's MAYBE 70 degrees). Amelia and I retreated to the indoor pool, which was better.

We had dinner in a quaint little harbour town called Honfleur (again, more merry-go-rounds). It was a charming little place with lots of seafood restaurants and little shops. I was most excited about a fondue restaurant; everyone else was thrilled at the Ben and Jerry's shop. Walking back to the car, Jack decided that he had to pee (while his potty training is evolving nicely, he doesn't always take advantage of bathrooms when afforded the opportunity). Our walk back involved a long row of bushes, so we opted to do as the Europeans do (i.e., pee in public, which is as common as drinking water). Jack did his business (with no onlookers, thankfully. even though it's accepted here, it doesn't make me like it any more) and yelled "I went pee pee in the bushes" for all to here. For whatever reason, Amelia decided it looked like great fun and subsequently declared a potty emergency. And she, too, watered the bushes (though not as easily!). I don't know why they found it so funny, but they did.

That night, around 3 a.m, Jack woke me up by singing, in his sleep, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. I was in tears laughing, it was so funny!

We packed up on Monday morning and started our drive back, stopping briefly in Lille, France. It is a big shopping town, and we thought there was a Starbucks there, but couldn't find one. It was a great town, anyway -- I'd definitely like to come back.

Jack's fever finally went away, too, and things are back to normal. (Or close to it, anyway.) While dropping Jerry off at the airport yesterday, we saw the spot where the first Belgian Starbucks will open -- IN AUGUST!! I've already prepared TJ for the fact that he'll see lots of airport parking charges on the credit card...

The week is warming up, and we might even hit 80 tomorrow. We're going on another cruise, leaving for England this week, and I'll try to blog more frequently on this cruise.

T.J. has been hit with the 36-hour (I hope) fever, and I'm popping Vitamin Cs, etc., like crazy to make sure I'm not the next victim.

I've opened up my own ballet school, never mind that I don't know anything about ballet (other than what I've seen on Angelina Ballerina). I think it's a hit, though. But Jack does seem to have trouble hitting the right positions in his high-heeled glass slippers.

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