Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What to Do When it Rains? And Rains, And Rains

We discovered a place called Planet Kid's ( anyone who knows me well will shudder for me when they notice the apostrophe in "Kid's" -- the editor in me will never die). It's a big indoor play area with different sections for different ages. A small enclosure for 0-2, complete with ball pit and slides, then a bigger multilevel section for 2-4 and a super-big multilevel section for agest 4 and up. It was nice, because I could stay with Jack in the infant area but feel comfortable in letting Amelia run free in the other areas, as I could always see the door. Then in the middle, there's an open cafe, selling beer, wine, sandwiches and lots of fries. So the kids played for 2 hours, and I even got to order a sandwich and a cappuccino. It was a great afternoon diversion, and I think we'll go there often!

We Came All the Way Here for This?
TJ is off on his first overnight business trip to Lille, France. They were going to do a walking tour of the town, followed by a rousing night of bowling. Huh? Well, at least he's sure to get a good dinner out of the evening (unless they eat at the bowling alley, I suppose?).

Weather Forecasts Are the Same Worldwide
We were dejected to see that today's forecast was for a 100% chance of rain. Not optimistic. But absurdly enough, it was a gorgeous day. Sunshine, blue sky, and only a few passing ominous (but clearly not rain-filled) clouds. But, of course, we thought rain was always just around the corner so we were afraid to stray too far from home. (I'm buying rain covers for the double stroller when we return to the US, so at least I can then take the kids out in any weather and I'm the only one who will get wet.) We did manage a few walks, which was nice.

Jack's Pediatrician Visit
Jack had his 18-month appointment today, and all was well. He hasn't gained weight (hard to believe, as he always has food in his mouth -- but he's always moving, too), but got a good report. This pediatrician doesn't seem to think we need to revisit a pediatric opthamologist about the blocked (yes? no? sometimes?) tear ducts. So we'll just keep an eye on his eye (so to speak) and see how they progress.

We do have to return to the doctor in April for an additional immunization (one that they don't give in the US). So the doctor gave us a prescription for the shot; we'll pick it up at the pharmacy and keep it in the fridge; we take it to the doctor for her to give Jack the shot. An interesting routine, but it seems to work.

Gotta Learn French...
I must admit, I've been a little humbled by my lack of a second language (granted, I would be a little better off if we were in Spain, but even so...). When the the fast-food burger worker ... and even the panhandler speak better English than I do French, I find it a little embarassing. And then I'm even more so when I expect people to be speaking English. I realize that this is a very international city, and that English is a very international language, but still...

Pastry of the Day and Other Goodies
Below is Amelia's bakery selection from yesterday. Another marzipan-wrapped cake with a layer of cream in the cake. Then each end of the marzipan was dipped in chocolate. Quite tasty!

My latest indulgence is a Belgian s'more. Two speculoos cookies (a graham-cracker-like cookie but much, much better), a pink and white striped marshmallow, and a dark chocolate spread. Quite tasty.

And for the kids, I discovered a portable applesauce that Jack, especially, loves. It comes in a container like a Capri-Sun with a little screw top. You unscrew the top, and the kids suck the applesauce right out.

Other News
We have a possibility of an opening in a school for Amelia. We hope to hear something by the end of the week...

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