Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The rain came in fits and spurts, so we were able to get most of our trick-or-treating in.
Amelia decided not to carry a Toto, for fear that it would detract from her ability to carry large amounts of candy. I tried to explain that she could get even more if she carried a picnic basket, but she wasn't buying it.
We started off with a pizza party with some of our neighborhood playgroup friends, then covered the neighborhood, or tried to. At one house, when they answered the door, Jack yelled, "SpongeBob Here!" He was not shy at all about going to the door by himself.
Both kids had buckets filled to the brim with candy, and even poor Jack declared that he had enough and was ready to go home. We spent some time with some new friends (who just moved from St. Louis) and overall had a really great time.

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