Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Tease of a Post

Alas, I don't have time for a full posting today, but thought I'd get out a picture of my favorite aspiring fireman:

He got a great fireman suit for Christmas and had a private tour of the Kirkwood Firehouse given by Captain Mike. Jack was most fascinated by the firepole, and even convinced Fireman Victor to slide down the pole. Jack had a great time and who knows, maybe he really will be a fireman one day.

And then we came back to Brussels to find quite a bit of very powdery snow. Not the right consistency for a real snowman, but perfect for a snowman pile. The kids just loved the snow, and I think T.J. enjoyed it too!

At least, Jack liked it until he got snow in his face...and Amelia lost her boot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh - that fireman photo brings back so many sweet memories. It looks like you all are making some wonderful memories too. And thank you for that amazing box of chocolates!!