Monday, December 1, 2008

Sinterklaas Comes to TJ's Office

Jack received a big Ferrari workbench, while Amelia got a My Little Pony Cotton Candy Cafe with 4 ponies. If she ever had any doubts about Christmas, getting ponies today shattered them. She's a believer!

Jack was not interested in greeting Sinterklaas or in getting his candy from the Zwarte Pieten.

While Amelia was first in line!

Uncle Shmoopy's makeup gift to Amelia lives on. Pink glittery lip gloss isn't for lips anymore! It's for faces and, apparently, dinosaurs.

Poor Amelia continues to be devastated by the approach of Christmas (= departure of Elena). Today she asked me to take the advent calendar down, and she cried at bedtime. It's heartbreaking for her to be losing her friend...

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