Friday, March 7, 2008

The Roulette Wheel of Pinkeye

Did you know that there are 3 different kinds of Pinkeye? Are you surprised that I have once again gone to the Pinkeye buffet and taken a plateful of VIRAL pinkeye this time. Yes, the kind for which there is no cure. You just wait it out (currently going on 8 days), desperately wishing to claw your eye out, looking like you've been in a fight, and washing your hands until your skin is raw, knowing that if the kids get the untreatable kind of pinkeye, life as you know it is over, because everyone will get continuously reinfected.

It has been pretty manageable so far. Aside from the lovely swelling and redness. And excessive tearing at night (that's how you know it's viral: your eye tears instead of producing glop). But I knew I was in trouble the other night while I switched sides while sleeping and felt the tears from the infected eye travel across the bridge of my nose and right into the clear eye. And sure enough, now the other eye has a (mild?) infection. FANTASTIC!

I don't know how I managed to pick up the viral strain, but leave it to me to figure out a way....

Oh, and I have strep throat. And Jack just got over 5 days of a high fever. And TJ and Amelia started with fevers and chills yesterday.

I mean, honestly, who knew Belgian germs could be so different from U.S. germs. And to think, by the time we move back, we'll be sick all the time from the U.S. germs.... we'll never win!

I don't have a whole lot of news to report, though I think T.J is going to make a guest blogging appearance sometime soon. I just thought everyone would get a kick out of our ongoing health saga!! :)

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