Thursday, September 27, 2007

11 Hours in a Tin Can

Susan came to visit last week, and we had a great time. She and I made a solo train trip to Brugge, where we conned each other into buying whole hosts of things. My favorite purchase was a set of old chocolate molds, with baby bird designs. I figured -- birds? chocolate? -- a good souveneir of the Byrds time in Belgium. The whole family also made a trip to Namur, where they were having some sort of festival. More shopping, more games, more rides, and more cotton candy. Plus an old fortress and lots of cheap beer.

School Update
Jack is adjusting to school. We've had a few days of him not crying when I drop him off, but he's never enthusiastic to go. And if you mention the word around him, he'll just shake his head and yell "no". Oh, well. I think it will continue to get better (he's actually finally starting to eat at lunchtime there), so we take the small steps.

Jack caught another cold right on the tails of the first one. This one has resulted in a beautiful rash. The doctor suspects strep, but it could be any sort of viral infection. So we're waiting for the strep culture to see what happens.

I caught this second cold from Jack and was pretty miserable for several days before Susan arrived.

Long Flights
So we flew with Susan back to the US on Saturday. What a long day. They let us board first, and we got all settled, and we taxied to the runway. But before we got there, we had to go back to the gate, with the pilot announcing "mechanical problems." Of course, he doesn't say what those problems are. I'm a nervous flier anyway, and this does nothing to console me. They finally say that it's just a temperature control problem for the cabin temperature. So I'm relieved. But then we don't leave for another 2 hours! Not so relieved. By the time we take off, we know we've missed our connecting flight from Chicago to STL.

So the long flight begins. Lots of videos, lots of junky treats for the kids, not much rest for Susan and I. The kids don't sleep so well, either. But really, overall they did great. Just a few meltdowns.

We finally land, and as we're touching down, amelia announces that her stomach hurts. I take it with grain of salt, until she throws up halfway down the aisle (luckily, I had grabbed a few airsick bags, just in case). But the poor thing is a trooper and announces she feels much better and is able to muster the strength to pester her brother as we make mad dashes for baggage claim and customs (we learn we have just one hour before the next STL plane leaves).

Jack melts down in the line to recheck our bags, claiming he wants "more plane." After 11 hours on one, it's hard to belive, but he's serious.

After running like madwomen, we make it onto the plane just before they shut the doors. Amelia throws up twice more on the 45 minute flight, and I'm thankful that I brought the Belgium magic medicine with me that will stop her nausea ... if only I'll be able to find it in the suitcase.

Mom and Dad meet us at the airport, and Susan and Mom wait for our bags and plan to take a cab, while the kids and I go with Dad in the car. One more throwing up for Amelia in the car. Fantastic. The kids are as droopy as can be (by this time, it's 1 a.m. for them, Belgium time, and they've barely slept all day). They revive some with all the goodies at the house and manage to soldier on.

They crash pretty early, but I'm optimistic. Shouldn't have been. We were all up at 2 am. For good.

I take the kids downstairs and pop in a video. I figure I'll make the most of being up, and ride the recumbent bike for an hour while I sip my coffee. So even though I exercised, I ended up eating several breakfasts that day before we even got to 8 a.m.

Followed by two more mornings of the kids rising at 4, and up multiple times during the night.

But last night (Tuesday), they both slept soundly all night. Jack slept till 6, and Amelia was awake at 4 but tossed and turned in bed until Jack got up.

I think I've been to Walgreens every day! Just because I can! I've had only 2 Starbucks so far, but I've done lots of shopping. It's a good thing I brought extra suitcases!

We've enjoyed the warmer weather too. We've finally gotten a chance to wear our warm-weather clothes.

Jack is obsessed with being downstairs (in the basement, where all the toys are) and out on the deck, where he splashes his hands in the birdbaths (sanitary, no?).

His new phrase here has been "Momma (or whomever) -- are you?" (asking where we are). It's just so cute.

They got measured for new shoes today at the same place I got my shoes when I was their age. They were so adorable that the cashier gave us 5% off our purchase, plus cookies, balloons and stickers. They also had the staff at the dental office (yes, family day at the dentist) oohing and aahing over them.When asked to show his teeth, Jack opened his mouth wide, and then curled his lips over his teeth, like a toothless old man. I guess his teeth are OK, but he wouldn't look anyone look at them.

We're having a lovely time, even though we miss home. More soon, and pictures will follow, but not for another week or 2. Hope 2 blogs in one night help make up for my absence!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Another School Year, Another Virus

First Day of School -- Monday, Sept. 3
Amelia started school again today. Remarkably, we all got out the door on time, dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed, snack in hand. Of course, today it decides to pour down rain. But it didn't dampen spirits at all. Amelia had no hesitation about going right in, especially when she saw her friend Lana. Even Jack didn't seem too concerned about Amelia leaving. He asked about her a few times, but now seems perfectly content.

Jack and I made a grocery store run for chocolate chip cookie (from scratch!) supplies. It's a Neunreiter tradition to have them on the first day of school, and I couldn't let Amelia down (especially because my Mom kept reminding her of it!).

Now I've eaten half the dough... Ugh. At least it tastes good. They don't have "all purpose flour" (at least, not that I can translate), so I was a little worried about the flour I ended up getting. Tastes good, though!

School Days, Sick Days
Jack is recovering from his first cold of the school year. He visited his creche for 1 hour last week, and managed to come down with a nasty cold. He ran a fever for 3 nights (but not during the day) and is super-congested. On night 3, he came down with a croupy cough. Last night was pretty good -- he only woke up twice, and I didn't have to sleep with him (we've been sharing the guest bed for the past few nights).

Latest Road Trip
We went to Antwerp on Saturday, for no real reason other than we hadn't been there. I probably enjoyed the trip the most, as the first thing we found was the major shopping street. We did a lot of walking, and a street clown made Amelia a lovely balloon hat. We had a really nice time, but didn't come away with any diamonds. It was a quick drive (only about a half-hour away) and was a lovely town to visit. We'd like to come back soon to investigate it some more, and there's a nearby zoo for the kids to enjoy

Tuesday, Sept. 12
Everyone is getting into their school routine. Unfortunately, Jack cries hysterically at the mere mention of "school." I feel like a jerk dropping him off, as he's clinging to me crying "Home, Home." But they tell me that he stops crying right away and is having a good time. I've enjoyed having a few mornings free to go to the gym or do some shopping without having to bribe the kids.

Jack continues to learn new words -- dinousaur, drive (he always wants to sit in the driver's seat) and M&M are the latest. He's just as cute as can be.

And Amelia has succumbed to the power of commercials. My Little Pony commercial? "I want that!" Yogo yogurt snacks commercial? "I want that!"

Afternoon at Walibi
XOM had an employee day at the Walibi amusement park (like 6 Flags) on Sunday a few weeks back, and it was a great time. I'll post pictures later. They had a great section for the young kids. Amelia got to ride her first rollercoaster, and Jack got to ride on a bunch of rides as well. I won Amelia a giant dolphin (exactly what we needed, right?) by shooting a basketball (a one-chance deal). It slept with her for a few nights, but it took up too much room.

The ExxonMobil folks had rented out a pavilion, and it was kids' heaven. A popcorn stand, cotton candy, waffles, crepes, face painting, balloon man, bouncy castles, play areas -- and all free. They had lots of great food and drinks, and it really was spectacular. We had a blast.

I'm sorry I still haven't posted from Joe's visit. I haven't been online as much as usual, and I just haven't been writing and drafting as often as I should. I promise to try to be better!