Sunday, August 19, 2007

Not Another Carnival...

Thankfully, we only had to survive 5 days of the latest carnival. The kids just adore it, and it's hard to say "No" to them when they've been such troopers on the vacations we've taken them on (they don't really appreciate sightseeing!).

This carnival was a pretty big one in Stockel. On two of the kids rides, once the ride started, the operator would clip a nasty-looking ball of yarn (anyone remember Warm Fuzzies?) onto a rope, and they would swing it around by the kids, and whoever catches it would win a free ride. We were there so often we won more than our fair share of free rides. There was also a fun "horse" ride, with mechanical horses that went along a track. I got to take advantage and ride, to keep Jack from falling off. Amelia would bring Stripey and sit on him. (She had a tantrum tonight when T.J. took Stripey away mid-ride. It got so bad that the ride operator stopped her horse so she could get Stripey back.)

There was also another trampoline bounce. Amelia went on it twice, and then tonight when we went, Jack pounded his chest and said "Jack. Peese?" So Jack went on too. Trouble is, Jack hasn't really mastered jumping. So I had to get on the trampoline, sit in front of him and "throw" him in the air. He kept yelling "High" and "More" as all the muscles in my body were screaming in pain. (Think about it, it's a lot of work! Plus, there was no one else in line, so they never came by to take the kids off. Amelia got so tired, she just dangled in mid-air and ceased all jumping efforts.)

The usual food suspects were there (lots of fries and fried foods, plus wonderful beignets), but the funniest was the vendor who sold cotton candy from one end of his cart, and escargot from the other. Uck.

The kids continue to do really well. Jack is really trying to talk a lot and follows Amelia everywhere. It will be hard when she starts school, but he will also be starting a creche. For the first time in 4 years, I'll have a little time to myself! I'm already planning my shopping!

The weather this summer hasn't been too bad -- a little cool and cloudy (generally in the upper 60s or low 70s), but I wouldn't trade it for the U.S.' hot weather

I'll be posting carnival pictures on this page soon, so please check back. I'm also going to try to get up shortly a recap of our visit with T.J.'s nephew...

Sorry this is short, but it's 11:45 and I'm tuckered! More soon!

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