Monday, May 19, 2008

Nothing says "Turkey" like a donkey ride ....

Just a few of the many pictures you'll be subjected to in the coming days... (Notice Amelia's panicked expression in the 2nd picture.) This was on Buyukada in Turkey (one of the Princes' Islands).

A blog about the cruise is to follow, but who knows when. It will probably come in bits and pieces....

Jack got his bandage taken off today and a good report from the doctor. The silver pad came right off, and some of the old blister came off, too. The skin is nice and pink, and even softer than his other skin (if you can believe that -- is he becoming calloused already??). There are a few patches that seem a little thinner than others, but it's amazing to see the difference in 3 weeks.

Funnily enough, he was on my lap, and they cut the bandage off, exposed the skin, and we were waiting for the doctor to come take a look. His hand really isn't "gross" at all -- nothing that might make you queasy to look at it. But all of a sudden, I got dizzy, and hot, and nauseous. I thought I was going to pass out. I actually had to recline on the doctor's examination table!! I'm not sure what came over me (bacon withdrawal? Plus, I'd had only a muffin and coffee for breakfast, and our appointment was at 8 am). But the moment eventually passed, and I recovered. It's still very strange to me, as there was NOTHING about Jack's hand that would rightfully make me woozy.

We will just moisturize it 6 times a day for the next two weeks, and we'll go in for a follow-up on June 2. He's still very protective of it and wants the bandage back on. He's cleared for bathing and playing, but warned us to be careful of rough surfaces, since it's still new, thin skin. He's not
thrilled about the prospect of lotion -- he doesn't want anyone touching it, and he hasn't tried to use it yet. I'm sure that will change.

Amelia, no surprise, is home with a fever today. She had a bit of one last night and was terribly restless. She was fine this morning but complained to T.J. about not feeling well as they were on their way to school. So he brought her home, and her fever has returned (guess she wasn't kidding).

I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that we made it through our trip without illness. I was especially surprised, since they spent so much time in the Kids' Club, that they didn't come down with something.

But at least I've had a quiet morning (both kids went down for a nap around 9), so I've had a chance to continue doing 3 weeks of laundry, and putting away all our souveneirs from the trip.

More to come soon....